The wild rose is the floral symbol of Alberta, my home province, and grows everywhere. The North Saskatchewan River and several smaller creeks cut right through Edmonton with big tracts of mostly undisturbed bush alongside them, so the rosebushes with their berries are pretty easy to find even in the city. I picked these along Whitemud Creek in the south. Except for their beauty, they are not as fun to pick as other berries - they don't grow in nice clumps like saskatoons, and the plants are always pricking you without being as yummy as their relatives the wild raspberries. (Some people enjoy these vitamin-C packed fruits fresh off the bush, but I don't care for the mouthful of seeds and fibres inside.)
The best thing to do with these is to preserve them by drying until wrinkly for making tea. Spread rosehips in a single layer on a pan in a very low oven, even as low as 100 degrees F, and dry slowly. This is one of the best smells you can have in the kitchen. They can get a little toasty but you don't want to overdo it and brown them or the tea will be bitter. To make rosehip tea, put a couple of handfuls of dried rosehips in a 1.5 l saucepan mostly full of water and bring to a rolling boil for several minutes - you want to really cook them, not just infuse them. Strain into a teapot or cups and serve. You can continue adding water and making tea with the same berries for a couple of days. I loved this with honey when I was little and still love it.
Domestic rosebushes can be harvested like this as well, though the fruit is bigger and you should avoid plants that have been sprayed. Just resist the urge to dead head the roses and they will produce the fruit.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing...and thanks for stopping by my little blog.
I agree with you on the joy of reading the smaller, mostly spiral bound "community cookbooks"...You do wonder who these people are and the history behind the recipes they submitted. Sometimes you run across non-profits or places you never would have imagined.
(There was a Vizla rescue group that put out a cookbook that I saw the other day...should have gotten it..but alas...)
Although I drink it, I've never made rosehip tea, I didn't know how easy it could be!
Hi Jill, I did a post in June from our local NHL team cookbook. Great recipe; I'm about to make it again.
Some of my favourite cookbooks are the ones compiled for our family reunions,some with anecdotes and with family favourites in them.
Hi Brilynn, it is definitely worth a try. I find that commercial rosehip tea does not have a very strong flavour.
I used to use these with flower petals and fresh mint. Totally excellent!
Also perfect for making a great simple syrup for iced tea.
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