This dish was inspired by a recipe I was reading for curried corn in coconut milk, and by a beautiful new can of pimentón.
Pimentón is an inexpensive seasoning that is well deserving of its growing popularity - it gives smokiness and depth to plain foods like cauliflower, potatos, and eggs; and takes dishes flavoured with cured meats into another dimension. I used bittersweet pimentón, but hot or sweet would also work. The mushrooms I, um, had in my fridge and needed to use. This took less than twenty minutes to make.
Wield a knife to make 1-2 tablespoons finely diced bacon or deli ends (I used a 3 cm piece of cured Italian sausage) and 2 tablespoons of finely diced mushrooms. Fry in a large saucepan until the mushrooms are soft and the fat has mostly rendered from the meat. You can omit the meat and just use extra mushrooms if you want. Add 1 1/2 cups of frozen corn (could use canned) and 3/4 tsp pimentón and fry together until heated through and tender. Add 3/4 cup of coconut milk, and simmer for a few minutes to blend the flavours. Taste for seasoning - the effect you are after is sweet corn and coconut balanced with smokiness and bite of pimentón - and serve to 2 with rice or bulgur.
The original curried corn recipe was in a paperback student cookbook called Students Go Vegan, by Carole Raymond. Student cookbooks are a great resource for less expensive and low effort recipes. This is my entry for JFI - Coconut, hosted this month by Ashwini at Food for Thought.
That is so unique...a lovely addition to JFI. Thanks so much for your entry Pepper. See you at the round up. Happy holidays
nice pic, pepper. happy holidays, happy new year!
Hi Ashwini, your blog lives up to its name. Glad I found it via this event.
Thanks Sra. See you at the roundup too!
I just wanted to say that I really like your site and this recipe. I am just starting to learn how to cook and your recipes have helped a lot.
Also, my wife, who is a chef, loves this dish, although she added parsley.
Thanks and keep up the good work!
Ben, I had a peek at your blog and really like your stuff (though the title made me think it was about art). I hope you continue to write. The world needs people who write well about the science of software development much more than we need food writers (revealing my tech background here). Glad you are enjoying Frugal Cuisine.
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