
Sunday, June 03, 2007

This combination of rice and vegetables cooked in chicken stock is comforting, full flavoured, and perfect for when you are under the weather. I have no idea how authentic this version is; I made it from memory after watching someone else. The secret is to use a really good chicken stock.

Saute 1 cup of rice in a little oil or butter in a thick bottomed pot until rice is toasty. Add one chopped tomato and one cup of diced zucchini or other summer squash. Cook for a few minutes until vegetables are warmed through and then add one and a half cups of chicken or vegetable stock and a teaspoon of salt, depending on how salty your broth is. Bring to a boil, then cover and simmer for a few minutes until liquid is absorbed. I like it pretty dry, but you could add more broth or water if you prefer a soupier mixture.


Pat said...

That sounds good! I'm going to copy and save this until zucchini are cheap (read: free) this summer. :)

Pat said...

That sounds good! I'm going to save this and try it when zucchini are cheap (read: free) this summer.

Helena said...

Its simple and quick and
just what I am interested
in. Thanks for the photo too!